
Showing posts from June, 2023

Customizations : uniform concept needs unique implementation

  Skill matrix is very much known and uniform concept but our study says still in this digital days , 70% of organizations are still using it in manual ways. It’s been now half a decade since we are serving skill matrix automated solutions that calculate to 10 renowned organizations, 20+ brand names, and over 70,000+ employees. 
 Working rigorously towards the enhancement of the product and serving it to the utmost betterment of the client,
 one observation we have drawn out is , implementation needs to be unique. Now let us understand, What is the Uniform concept? The uniform concept essentially means the basics. Competency mapping , skill matrix , and skill gaps can be considered as the baseline for the skillmatrix. Unifying and aligning these features to generate accurate output with induced digitalisation is what is a skill matrix software solution.Though uniform concept yields the results and sometimes the accuracy desired too. But in most of cases, organizations