6 Steps to build Competency Management System


competency management system

Before looking for Competency Management, First, we look at what Are competencies?

What are Competencies?

Competency is an underlying characteristic of an individual that casually related to criterion-referenced effective and or superior performance in a job or situation —Spencer and Spencer, 1993

Competencies are a demonstrated method to further develop representative and organizational performance

Competencies are powerful because they go past the essential necessities of a task.

There are differences in skills and competencies,

Let’s see it,

Skills are abilities required to perform A job Successfully

examples: Managing Account, Coding, sales skills

Competencies are a combination of knowledge and actions needed to succeed at work.

Example: Creative Thinking, Analytical Ability, Leadership, Team Work, Negotiation, Problem-Solving, initiative, Proactive Thinking.

So what competencies are recognizable capacities, abilities, information, inspirations, or qualities characterized as far as the practices that are required for successful job performance?

Then, How We Can implement these Competencies In our organization?

Where the term “Competency Management” occurs

6 steps occurred for implementation of Competency Management

  1. Understand Our Need for competency.

  2. Create Competency Framework

  3. Mapping Competencies

  4. Create Competency Dictionaries

  5. Create Assessment Methodology

  6. Conduct Assessment Feedback


Let’s Look One by One

1. Understand Our Need for competency.

Business Leader Or HR practitioner Expected from employees that Through this particular initiative, Competency Management can help you take the company to the next level

You want these initiatives to be effective only for the formation of many future leaders in the organization and employees a chance to understand

Employee distance and weaknesses are also allowing work on their skills in order to grow in the organization

Define and Measuring Effectiveness and Performance Of Workers Is the main part of managers How do they know what they are eligible for the job, in other words, what do they measure?

2. Competency Frameworks.

The Competency Framework allows you to measure your current skill level to ensure that your employees have the experience to add value to the company.

It additionally assists Managers with settling on educated choices about ability, enrollment, maintenance, and progression methodologies.

You can also budget and plan for training and development of your business needs by identifying the specific behaviors and skills required for each position.

The process of creating long and complex competency frameworks to ensure successful results involves people playing a role and fulfilling.

Step 1

Prepare and define the purpose

Before you begin examining jobs and sorting out what every job needs for progress, ensure you take a purpose at the reason for making the framework.

How you use it when you participate in the hiring affects the scope.

Include people from all areas of the business who use the framework, where possible, with the goal of creating a competency framework team and representing the diversity of the organization.

Consider long-haul needs so you can keep the framework refreshed and significant.

Step 2

Collect information.

Collection of information is the main subject of the framework, for the most part, the better the information you gather, the more exact your framework will be,

thus, it’s a smart thought to consider which strategies you’ll use to gather data about the jobs.

Also, the work associated with everyone you might need to utilize will observe an overview interview people create a questionnaire to analyze their work.

As you assemble data about every job, record what you learn in separate social declarations.

Moving to the third step will organize the information more efficiently, making it useful to analyze and aggregate the raw data effectively.

Step 3

Make a frame

This step involves grouping all behaviors and skills into competencies. Follow these steps to get the job done. Set paragraphs Create sub-categories, change and define sub-categories,
And the naming of competencies is given below as an example for groups and subgroups for general management, competencies, supervision, and team leadership.

Training and development of project and program management. To do this, you may need to add levels for each competency, consider each competency, and break related behaviors into criteria and criteria, depending on how complex they are.

Responsibility, scope, other relevant criteria. Review and evaluate the competencies required for each component, and ask these questions whether this behavior is exhibiting by the people doing the most effective work.

3. Competency Mappings.​

Competency Mapping Is the Process of Identifying An Individual’s Strength And Weaknesses

These Competencies Are then aligning to the job that the Individual is requiring To perform, It Analyzes two skills
  1. Behavioral
  2. Functional

Behavioral skills

It includes the personality of the individual like teamwork, leadership, creative thinking, etc

takes time to ascertain these skills in the individual

Functional skills:

include the practical Knowledge a person needs to perform the job, are easy to measure by analyzing the employee’s performance

Why is competency mapping important?
Competency mapping will help you in ascertaining the following available skills sets in the organization
  • level of skills
  • evaluating hiring needs
  • training needs- Skills gaps.
Steps For Competency mapping
  • conduct A job analysis by asking employees what are the key skills required to perform Their Job
  • identify aptitudes, skills, and knowledge required for the job
  • prepare a job description based on these skill sets
  • these competencies become the base for performance evaluation also
  • the competencies can also be used to identify skills gaps or training needs

Methods of Competency Mappings

  • Assessment Center
  • Interviews
  • questionnaire
  • Critical incident Techniques
  • Psychometric Assessment

4. Competency Dictionaries.

The dictionary means that it’s a common reference document for every employee in the organization to understand the competency in the same way as the project champion or the organization would want them to understand.

There are three things to keep in mind when defining a dictionary.

  • Reflect the knowledge element,
  • Skill element 
  • The attitude

when you are putting this in the form of behavioral indicators make sure that those indicators are relevant to the competency that you are defining, and they are measurable and finally, they are observable

5. Assessment Methodology.

So what are a few things that we need to look at while conducting assessments?

Supposing if you’re deciding to go ahead with assessment development center methodology, make sure that you have the trained assessors in place.

Either they are professionals or experts who are helping you from outside, or you have trained your people who are good at assessing people.

So there must be trained assessors in place, the second is you should have a lot of simulation exercises and tools created for assessment.​_​_

It could be in basket exercise lace analysis and presentation role-plays competency-based interviews group simulations depending on the list of competencies and depending on whether you are observing them on behavioral competencies or fundamental competencies,

you could decide on the list of simulation tools, however, five or six tools would essentially be required to arrive at a fair judgment about the person on various competencies.

Now where do you start, and where do you end? Who should you consider for participation in the assessment development center if your organization is a small organization with about fifty to one hundred member teams?

Then it becomes easier for you to involve almost all of them as part of the assessment development center process.

6. Conduct Assessment And Feedback.

Conduct assessment And Share Feedback the most important aspect is to make sure the report writing is done on time and the feedback is also given on time.

The good assessment center or the development center where after the assessment is done the second day or the next day of the assessment employees are given very brief feedback in terms of.

How they have fared on various competencies detailed feedback with the report is given within fifteen days from the time the employees have completed the assessment process on various competencies,

either for their peers or for their subordinates or for their superiors, the value of such feedbacks is not going to be helping the individual to work on his or her development.

But the net outcome or the end objective should be to help the individual work on development and progress in his career.

Now the last And Most Important Part Of the Competency Management System is to

Make Decisions Based On Competencies

Provide Opportunity Based On competencies


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